
October 9, 2022 I proposed to my best friend of 5 years at the time. I met Hannah while working at the Chick Fil A, and I never thought one day she would become my wife. I first introduced myself to her by handing her a business card with my music information on it and telling her to check it out. That was the beginning of a special friendship. She knew every lyric to my songs (and still does). We both went through crazy relationships and family drama and so many things; but we always stayed connected through the years. She always knew how to encourage me, and I was always impressed that no matter how awful the situations were she faced, she always managed to share joy with those around her.

Not Your Normal Wedding

Hannah was already the mother of 2 awesome boys — Tyler (6) and Jax (3); they were excited for us to get married and become a family — and so were we. We decided not to postpone the wedding to make it fancy and expensive. On November 9, 2022 we chose to have a simple wedding in my grandparent’s living room. We invited a few close friends, and were married by two of my former Pastors. No fancy Catering, just some sandwiches and juice; but it was a night I’m sure both of us will always remember.

Boy #3

August 1, 2023 our family was joined by Jeremy James Servis, aka “J.J.” We almost didn’t make it to the hospital in time, and my wife delivered him with 15 minutes of arriving in the examination room. By the time she made it to the delivery room, he was in her arms. I was crying many tears while doing my best to support her; but I don’t think anything could’ve prepared me for the reality of watching my first child come into this world.

Girl #1

August 13, 2024 we welcomed the newest addition to our beautiful blended family — Harmony Hope Servis. We were blessed to fulfill my wife’s desire for a home birth with an amazing midwife. She delivered Harmony in the comfort of our own bed, with no complications. This little girl has been nothing but joy since she arrived, and her big brothers love her.

As of February 10, 2025 our family consists of myself (26), my wife Hannah (24), Tyler (8), Jax (5), JJ (18mo), and Harmony (6mo). We don’t take a lot of family photos (when you have this many children you’ll understand), but every day is certainly memorable. From poop covered bedrooms to crayon colored walls, it’s never a dull moment in the Servis household.

In addition to being an amazing mother, my wife also runs a micro-bakery from home selling homemade sourdough — made with love. We homeschool our children, and reading is a large part of our family culture. Our favorite family activities include playing board games, playing at the park, and visiting the library. I think their favorite toys are legos. There’s not a day we don’t find them creating something extravagant and intricate from those lego blocks.

Not Perfect, But Growing

My wife will be the first to tell you, we are NOT a perfect family. We do NOT have a perfect marriage. We are always studying, researching, and learning how to be better partners and parents. We do NOT have this thing figured out. We have fights, arguments, and disagreements. Our children disobey and throw fits sometimes. Sometimes I overreact and discipline them when I should be connecting with them. Sometimes my wife says things that hurts my feelings. We all do that actually.

But we also do something amazing — we apologize. We reconcile. We have conversations about what went wrong, what we were feeling, and how we can handle our emotions better the next time. We let our children ask questions. We teach them how to respectfully question authority. If you hang with us enough you will surely hear one of the boys come to us saying “May I ask WHY?”

We don’t always get it right, but we strive to grow each day in love, honor, and respect toward one another. Our daily prayer is that God would make us more like Christ, and show us how to love each other with the same love He shows us. We work to create a culture of servant leadership, considering others, and having an attitude of gratitude. I’m optimistic that one day it will all be worth it and we will look back on these days with a smile. For now, we do our best and keep growing!